May 6, 2024 - May 12, 2024 - The Tattooist of Auschwitz (Peacock): The new moon is rising in your relationship sector this week, so dive into the intense love story told in the brand-new series The Tattooist of Auschwitz. Taking place in Melbourne in 2003, a Holocaust survivor named Lali recounts his harrowing journey of love and survival during his time at Auschwitz to writer Heather Morris. Transported back to 1942, Lali volunteers for work duty in Slovakia but ends up being assigned to work as a tattooist at Auschwitz, where he falls in love with Gita—prisoner 4562, by her tattoo—and risks everything to keep them both alive amidst the horrors of the camp.

Bonus Pick: As the winner of the Palme d'Or, the film Triangle of Sadness combines comedy, satire, and social commentary in a witty and hilariously unique way. It's about a beautiful young couple who work as models and social media influencers and are invited to join a luxury yacht cruise for the rich elite. However, a rotted underbelly is hidden beneath this journey's glittering and Instagram-friendly facade, and things spiral into a highly comical disaster while making some poignant commentary about class, power, artifice, and social hierarchies. As a Scorpio, you love to dive beneath the surface of things to find the truth, so you'll appreciate this film more than most. Stream it on Hulu.

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More Horoscopes for Scorpio

Scorpio Compatibility and Traits

Scorpio Sign Compatibility

Scorpio Star Dates and Traits


Mysterious, charismatic, brave, and magnetic, Scorpios are hard to ignore.

They are extremely intuitive and make natural psychologists with an ability to easily read those around them. They form intense bonds with their friends and romantic partners, but they can become possessive or jealous if they're not completely confident with themselves.Learn More

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